
Google Removes Public Submit URL to Google Service

Google has removed its submit URL tool service. This tool allowed anyone to submit a URL to Google from, as it wasn’t restricted to site owners only. Here is the official tweet by

We’ve had to drop the public submission feature, but we continue to welcome your submissions using the usual tool in Search Console and through sitemaps directly.

— Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) July 25, 2018

Why Google removed Submit URL Service?

When Google first launched this tool for those website owners who weren’t familiar with Google Search Console used it to submit URLs.

Google Search Console is a free web service provided by Google that allows website owners and webmasters to monitor & manage their website’s presence in Google Search results. It provides valuable insights and tools to help optimize the visibility and performance of a website in Google’s search engine.

Google removed the Submit URL service because it was no longer necessary for website indexing. The Submit URL feature previously allowed website owners to submit their URLs to Google for indexing manually.

It’s worth noting that Google provides alternative methods for website owners to ensure their web pages are indexed. Please note that the status and features of Google services may change over time.

These include using XML sitemaps, leveraging internal and external links, and regularly publishing high-quality content that naturally attracts search engine crawlers.

Suggested: Learn How to Submit an URL To Google?

It is likely the majority of those using the tool were SEO websites that wanted to submit pages they didn’t own. SEO websites could submit a URL for a page they have a link on to get the link indexed and crawled and push PageRank faster.

They also do this to index a social media page faster, often for reputation management purposes, such as a Facebook or Twitter profile.

However, Google found some users doing it on competitor sites to get spammy pages indexed and then file a spam report.

Additionally, removing the Submit URL service helps Google focus its resources on improving other aspects of its search infrastructure and algorithms.

Google suggests alternative ways for website owners to submit their pages via Google Search Console, either Fetch and Submit or via sitemaps, which most site owners already do. 

So, It’s important to note that submitting a URL to Google doesn’t guarantee immediate or guaranteed indexing. Google’s algorithms will determine whether the URL will be included in its search index based on various factors such as relevance, quality, and crawlability.

1 thought on “Google Removes Public Submit URL to Google Service”

  1. Pingback: How to submit your site to google Search Console - Digital Chd

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